Friday, February 6, 2015

Liebster Award

Hello y'all!
   I'm so excited to announce that I was nominated by Amanda at Moon Orchid Motifs for the Liebster Award.  The Liebster Award is for bloggers who have less than 200 followers.  It is a way to discover new bloggers. I have answered a few questions about myself and listed some fun facts about me.  I have also nominated a few bloggers so be sure to check them out!

1.  How did you decide on the title of your blog?
The name of my blog came from who I am as person.   I am from the South and wanted to incorporate that into my blog.  One of my biggest fears about moving from the South was that I would lose who I am as a person.  What I mean by that is my accent, traditions, and things that we do in the South.  I feel like I have already lost a touch my southerness(not sure if that’s a word).  I’m hoping that by having this blog I can bring back my Southern roots and be who I am!

2. What is one word that sums up the heart of your blog and why?
Truth- I always want my blog to be truthful! I want to share real things with my followers.  I hope that I am able to help other people through my blog.

3. What are your other favorite pastimes besides blogging?
I love to spend time with my husband, family, and friends.  I enjoy the outdoors!  I love hiking, playing sports, and/or hunting with my husband.  I love working out and doing DIY crafts.

4. What is your favorite aspect of blogging?
I love that I can express my feeling.  I enjoy sharing my ideas and thoughts with other people.  Another favorite aspect is the people! The blogging world is amazing!  I have already met some pretty amazing people just from blogging.

5.  Which project, recipe, or idea would you most like to try on my blog yourself?
I want to try the cucumber salsa! It looks amazing and simple to make. J

6.  Where does your blog inspiration come from?
The South.J  That’s where some of my inspiration comes from.  I also get inspiration from other bloggers! My blog is still new but I have exciting things lined up!

7.  What is one country in the world you would want to visit and why?
I would love to visit Italy! My grandfather was Italian and I have some of the Italian genes in me. :)  I would also love to go to Israel! My church is planning to visit once a year for the next five years.  I’m hoping that my husband and I will be able to go on one of the trips.

8. If you have children, what are their names?  If not, what is your favorite boy and girl names?
We don't have any children yet. :) My favorite boy and girl names are Bentley and Savannah! I actually have quite a few names that I love!

9.  A long lost relative leaves you a large sum of money.  What do you do with it?
A few things…my husband and I took the Dave Ramsey class last year(life changer).  I would continue with the Dave Ramsey way and I would invest the money.  I work for a financial company so that’s a given. J

10.  In your opinion, what is the best blog post you have written so far? (Include link)
Since I just started blogging and don’t have that many posts.  I would have to say this is the best one that I have written so far.  I hope that from this blog you have learned a little bit more about me as a person and writer!

11.  Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In five years, I hope to still be blogging and start a family!  I can’t wait to see where I will be in the next few years.

11 fun facts about me!

1. I'm from a small town in South East Georgia. 
2. I met my husband through his sister. We were roommates at the Christian college we attended. 
3. My friend(now sis-in-law) told me I was going to marry her brother the first day I met her! 
4. I danced and twirled baton my whole life.  I started at the age of three.
5. I'm a huge University of Georgia Bulldawgs fan.
6. I live in Southern California(that’s where my husband is from).
7. I love Chick-Fil-A!!
8. I enjoy the outdoors and hunting with my husband.
9. I love fashion.
10. I am an administrative assistant for a financial company.
11. I didn’t drive the freeway for 6 months when I moved to California! I was terrified..all of the traffic intimidated me. I come from a small town where there is no traffic!

Below are my nominations:

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